The Average Girl's "How To" Guide

Advice on how to live a well-balanced lifestyle

Tag: What’s Yo’ Beef

What’s Yo’ Beef #47

by Rachel


When you go for another sip of coffee and its empty. Huge bummer.


When you run into someone super good looking that you know… And you’re wearing something gross. COME ON!

What’s Yo’ Beef #43

by Rachel

It’s beef day y’all!


This guys, this is my beef. When the muffin cups stick to the muffin, are hard to get off and tear your muffin apart!




Well guys, today I’m moving! So while I love going through stuff and arriving at a new destination and having to buy new stuff, packing, unpacking, and cleaning all suck. They suck!

What’s Yo’ Beef #42

by Rachel

So I like biking, and I understand bikers can be SNOT-TY… I have experienced many snotty bikers before and I don’t condone it. However, my beef today is going to make me sound like a bit of a snotty biker: adults who do not know how to ride a bike. And I don’t mean they get on and just fall off, that’s totally ok. I mean you know how to ride just not properly, like your seat is way too low and you don’t know how to use your gears… You look like a 6 year old with those crazy legs on a low gear and knees almost hitting you in the face. Not to mention you’re creating so much more work for yourself by not fitting your bike to your body. When your foot is on the peddle your knee should be only slightly bent, like maybe 20 degrees? And the higher your gear, the more torque… It takes a bit more energy to get going but once you do, you’ll get there much faster than peddling like a mad man on low gear. Because you look ridiculous.


Okay, so Rachel is basically talking about me, because I really don’t know how to ride a bike at all. Mostly because I’m 5ft tall and it’s really difficult to find a bike that fits me… At least I know I can’t ride a bike? Does that make it better?!

Anyway – here’s my beef guys. It’s Facebook messaging. I just don’t get it! Is it like email, where you just send a long thing and the person responds whenever they want? Is it like MSN, where you expect an instant reply? I don’t get it! I feel like whatever I think it is, it’s actually the opposite, and I’m doing it wrong.

What’s Yo Beef #41

by Shannon


So last Sunday I went to the Jays game to get a bobblehead for Rachel. There was a decent line, and I was in it for about 40 minutes. I could deal with that; I knew it wasn’t going to be a picnic going in. (Though in hindsight, I should have brought snacks, and definitely made it a picnic.)

Here’s where my beef comes in. Once we started moving, all these people just melded to the line and started cutting in all over the place! What the dude?! There was a line for a reason, buttmunchers. People who can’t obey society’s innate laws and have no social conscience in respect to lines. COME ON!

That is frustrating Shannon… If you can’t do a simple societal task as properly join a line, just stay home. But the question burning in all of our minds I’m sure, did you get the bobblehead?!?!?

My beef today, specifically, is that I finally mustered up the ambition to hem some skirts and dresses, but damned if I can find my straight pins! Generally, I am constantly moving shit around and ALWAYS forgetting where I put it. Its really, really, really… really annoying. COME ON!

What’s Yo’ Beef #40

by Rachel

Oh my gosh, we almost forgot AGAIN about Friday beefs. Although, it never upsets me because it usually means I don’t have much beef. Always a good thing. However, I do have a bit if a beef today…

When your husband turns down your music and turns on the TV. HONESTLY! Just f#%@cking turn it off… That would be less annoying than listening to music AND the TV at the same time. COME ON!


It’s true, I just haven’t had a lot of beefs lately. I have been really jonesing to go to a good concert though lately, but there just haven’t been bands I want to see, so that’s kind of annoying. It’s like all my favourite artists are just on hiatus, or else touring Europe or something. Come back to Toronto!

What’s Yo’ Beef #37

by Rachel


When you get takeout, and take it home and get all excited, and they give you french fries, when you asked for sweet potato fries… Life is so hard.


My beef is personal hygiene. It’s such a bitch, you know what I mean? I’m all for being clean and everything, but the never ending cycle of wax this, pluck that, shave everything, trim your fingernails, get a haircut, brush your teeth… ugh, it just really gets to me sometimes. Life would be easier if I was a robot, that’s for sure.

What’s Yo Beef #34

by Rachel

This is happening right now… When people wear leggings with holes in the butt…


My beef today is sad moods. Not even bad moods – I’ll save those for another day. But sad moods, like when you just get in a funk that you just can’t shake. Maybe you’ve done something stupid, maybe you just have a shitty feeling, who knows. The point is, they’re like a succubus, and just drain you of all things awesome. Geeze, what’s the point!?

I did something stupid today, and now I just have this sick, sick feeling that I can’t shake, and I know I’m a mess to be around. It’s pretty ridiculous. Self, you need a margarita and an Usher dance party. Get it in gear, woman!

What’s Yo Beef #32

by Shannon


Dude, hasn’t life been just wicked awesome lately? So awesome, that I’m finding it a bit tough to think of beefs. Actually, I guess my one beef kind of comes out of this.

See, I’ve been having just a shit tonne of fun lately. And I feel like I have no one to share it with! I’m not really into phone calls, and sometimes texting or facebook doesn’t do a fantastic story justice, especially since I’m one for details. And really, I just don’t see friends in person enough to get it all out, because something wonderful happens every day, and we are all busy.

Wait, what is this beef even about? Uhhhh me not being a phone person? Not living in a  12-person dorm with all of my closest friends? The last one! Not living with all your friends so you can tell them everything all the time. Come on!


Well, I did have a great Good Friday, hence What’s Yo’ Beef being on Saturday this week… But it was one heck of a Monday to Thursday. I have some SERIOUS tax pain guys… Like couldn’t even sit on my couch tax pain. Those commercials aren’t lying, it’s real and there’s not much you can do about it but wait it out. I could keep going on for ages, but taxes man, COME ON!

What’s Yo’ Beef #31

by Rachel

First of all, apologies for lack of posts lately… It’s like how-to writers block up in here. Secondly, our beefs.

My beef this week is poor kijiji etiquette. It really grinds my gears when you email inquiring about something and no one EVER emails you back! Even if the piece is gone how difficult is it to write back ‘Sorry, its already sold’. Writing that right there took about 3 seconds. People don’t have an extra 3 seconds to be courteous to someone trying to help them out by buying their shit? On top of this, their ad will still be on kijiji! And its like, is it still available or did you forget to take it off? Also, if you don’t have a smart phone with your email on it, leave a phone number. Honestly. It is such a great website when used responsibly and respectfully, so lets have a little more courtesy kijiji world. Poor kijiji etiquette… COME ON!


In honour of the Blue Jays home opener tonight, my beef is when you’re at a sporting event, and just really jamming to one of the songs playing, getting right into it. Then, the actual game has to start, and they stop playing the song, often right before the good part. Dude, I was listening to that! Why can’t they just play the music throughout the whole game?! It would really make the whole thing a lot more interesting in my mind.

What’s Yo’ Beef #25

by Rachel


Sometimes, I wish we could do What’s Yo’ Beef everyday… I am backlogged with beefs right now! My beef this Friday is from last weekend… It all started Friday night when I took my wallet to go to dinner with my husband and friends. Naturally, I left my wallet in husbands truck when we went into the restaurant. HOWEVER, he planned to go fishing 2 hours from home the following morning, I planned to go visit Shannon in Toronto the following day and have a nice afternoon of a killer hip hop dance class and make some money massaging people: BUT I LEFT MY WALLET IN THE TRUCK! Luckily, he was just about to leave on his way back when I called, but I was not able to make it for the hip hop class, which brings me to my beef. Why, with today’s advanced technology, is it such a big deal to drive without that small piece of seemingly insignificant plastic? That’s all it is! Plastic! Why can’t I just tell the officer my name and birth date? They should be able to look it up without the card and know that I am a legitimate driver. COME ON technology… The odds of getting pulled over were low, I have been pulled over twice in my 12 years of driving, but Murphy’s law states “If Rachel drives knowing she doesn’t have her license, she will get pulled over”. Seriously, look it up.


Rachel’s beef is not only seriously legit, but also a good call to scientist’s everywhere, I think. It may possibly even rival my own invention of a hop-flavoured cologne.

My beef is with cardboard boxes today. I don’t know what it is, but lately I’ve been having a really hard time opening them. Did they change how they work? Is this just a crankity thing about getting older that I never knew of? Regardless, now, everytime I open a box of crackers or cereal or something, it looks like this:
