The Average Girl's "How To" Guide

Advice on how to live a well-balanced lifestyle

Month: January, 2014

What’s Yo’ Beef #22

by Rachel

I really hate when people don’t stay on top of shoveling their sidewalk section. We are all in this winter thing together… Let’s work on making it a little more enjoyable for one another. COME ON!
Oh and because I just literally found it, when you drop a chocolate covered raisin in the movie theater and it’s so dark you can’t find it, then it melts all over your pants. Serious inconvenience.

As I sit here typing, having only just finished my work for the evening (yes, it is 10:40 on a Friday night), I’m tempted to say my beef is a crazy work schedule. But, instead, I’m going to go with computers freezing. My work laptop, a few times each day, will just suddenly have programs freeze up entirely, for about a minute. I realize a minute isn’t a long time, but man, I live in a world of now! A minute is detrimental, and really annoying. Get your shit together, computers.

How To: Really Annoy Your Massage Therapist

by Rachel

At the end of the day, book an appointment last minute… We love when we think we are done for the day and then ‘huzzah!’, another client! Yaaaay!

What’s Yo’ Beef #21

by Rachel


Beef day! I’ve been saving this one all week. I finished reading Divergent on Monday, it was super good and really hard to put down. It’s got it all, love story, betrayal, action, major conflict, and a lot of tattoos. I went ahead and bought it, as a soft cover, JUST in case I didn’t like it (bit pf a picky reader here) so I wouldn’t be stuck with the box set. Turns out I super loved it, and do you think I could find the other two separately in paperback? No. Which brings me to my beef, my very OCD beef.
I like my books to match. I like to have a trilogy or series that are all hardcover, or all softcover and with matching cover artwork. Why can’t book publishers sell all the books, separately, in soft AND hardcover? I have had the first Harry Potter book in softcover and the rest in hard cover for YEARS… And I think about it, regularly, always keeping my eye open for the Philosophers Stone in hardcover.
And now, I would rather spend the extra money and buy the whole box set of Divergent before buying the second two in hardcover.
After reading it on paper, I realize just how crazy that is…


Wow Rachel, that’s a really great beef. All I had this week was when you eat an apple and then everything is sticky for some reason, even though apples aren’t really that sticky, but your beef is way better. Matching books. Why can’t it just happen?!

How To: Actually Fulfill Your New Year’s Resolution

by Rachel

Enough of this quit smoking, eat healthy, exercise more, lose weight and be a nicer person… These are things that we all want to do, and should do, all the time in the never ending conquest to be better and look better and be healthier. It’s just too much pressure for a New Year’s Resolution.
I am a fan of resolving to learn something new, like juggling, which was my resolution 6 years ago, or how to make pie pastry (maybe next year?) or going to the dentist, which is my resolution this year. Since I moved almost two years ago I have not had the drive to go through the process of finding a new dentist. Ugh, who do you go to? New files, new X-rays, do they give good discounts if you don’t have coverage? So I just didn’t bother. That’s why this years resolution is to go to the Dentist. And guess what? I got an appointment with my old dentist in two weeks by luck of a last minute cancelation on the day I am going to be in the area.
And Bam, resolution (on its way to being) fulfilled.

You’re a raging anti-dentite Jerry! Soon you’ll be saying they should have their own schools! -Cosmo Kramer

What’s Yo’ Beef #20

by Rachel


We took a few weeks off, I would like to say because we were beefless…. Well, actually, I was beefless because I was on a trip to England and it was amazing! My only beef is that I didn’t start traveling abroad sooner. Seriously, what have I been doing with my life? COME ON!


Well, my first beef I guess is straight up that I was working, not traveling, these past few weeks… but mainly my beef today is time. Man, there is just not enough of it. I know, I know, I have the same number of hours in a day as Beyonce, but if that’s the case, then how come I can’t get my shit together? Come on!

How To: End Off a Trip to England Right

by Rachel

A surprise birthday party in London, a pint at The World’s End, and The Inbetweeners Movie. I am going to miss this place.

How To: Be Really Hungover On a Sunday

by Rachel

Watch “The World’s End” and despite the crazy plot twists allow it to inspire you to take the Golden Mile challenge: 12 pints at 12 pubs (or just 12 drinks if beer ain’t your thing). You will have one helluva fun night worth the pain in the morning.